GET OUT OR DIE! by Kim Cox

An Excerpt From: GET OUT OR DIE

Copyright © KIM COX, 2008

All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.

Lana walked Dan out, glass from figurines, picture frames and a mirror splintering beneath their feet. "Look. I know you don't want to leave but please, take Ellie somewhere else just for tonight. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know what's going on. I hope by then I can reason with him."

"It really is Uncle Adam, isn't it?" Dan asked.

"Yes, it is."

"This means that my father father is..."

"There's still no real proof."

"Why else would-"

"I don't know. Give me twenty-four hours to find out. I want to sleep here tonight, try to calm Adam down and see if he'll talk to me. Hopefully by tomorrow, regardless of what happened between him and Sean, he'll realize you're not his father."

Dan's sullen face appeared doubtful. "Do whatever you have to do."

Behind them, the sounds of crashing continued. Lana smoothed her wrinkled clothes, patted down her hair and trekked back into the once beautiful home, trying to force a calm she didn't quite feel.

I can do this. The crashing stopped as she entered the chaotic room. "Adam!" she called out. "Let's talk." Only silence answered her plea. Was he ignoring her? Or had the energy his anger fueled within his spirit faded? Run out?

Lana took a break and used the downstairs bathroom to splash water on her face. As she brushed her hair, the faucets turned on by themselves. Hot water splashed into the sink, steam filling the room. Lana turned off the water and opened the door to let out the fog. Then, she read Adam's large script on the mirror, GET OUT OR DIE!

If you like this sample excerpt, you can read all five stories by purchasing a copy of ONE TOUCH BEYOND, available from Cerridwen Press in electronic formats.


Anonymous said…
This sounds like a really interesting story. Sounds to me like Adam has some real problems that he is going to need a lot of help with.
Kim Cox said…
Thanks Virginia! Indeed he does and will.
JeanMP said…
The excerpt sound very interesting.
Can't wait to read the book
Caitlin Hoy said…
This sounds so cool. I can't wait to find out what the message on the Mirror Adam or whoever leaves is about.
Kim Cox said…
Hi Jean,
I'm glad you liked the excerpt for GET OUT OR DIE!. I hope you'll get a chance to read the whole book. I think you'll enjoy it.
Kim Cox said…
Hi Caitlin Hoy!
I'm so happy you liked the excerpt for GET OUT OR DIE! and hope you get a chance to read all the stories in ONE TOUCH BEYOND. Excellent authors make up this anthology.

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