Is Spring Finally Here? Updates, Etc.

Spring Well Spring appears to come and go each week. Hope everyone is enjoying warm weather for a change. It was pretty warm today, around 60 degrees but warmer would've suited me better. Temperatures this week have been from the 20's to the 70's. What a range! However, the heatwave is on the way, 79 degrees by this time next week. Updates Reading, Movies, and Ideas Since the last time I wrote here in March, I have finished "The Vow on the Heron" by Jean Plaidy, the 10th book of the Plantagenet series, and started "Passage to Pontefract", the 11th book in the series. I have less than 100 pages out of 366 to go. I'm loving this series. I love books and movies with knights, kings, queens, etc., That leads me to one of my favorite shows right now "Reign" about Mary Queen of Scotts and Francis II, Prince and later King of France. My son tells me that the next "House of Night" book will be the last. I've read them all e...