Is Spring Finally Here? Updates, Etc.
Well Spring appears to come and go each week. Hope everyone is enjoying warm weather for a change. It was pretty warm today, around 60 degrees but warmer would've suited me better. Temperatures this week have been from the 20's to the 70's. What a range! However, the heatwave is on the way, 79 degrees by this time next week.Updates
Reading, Movies, and Ideas

My son tells me that the next "House of Night" book will be the last. I've read them all except the last and the character books. I love vampires and werewolves books and movies too. Another new show this year that I have enjoyed is "Dracula"--new take on an old story. And of course I watch "The Vampire Diaries" and "The Originals" also.
What can I say, my tastes vary. I love mystery, suspense, paranormal, romance, science fiction and all of them all mixed together. Did you hear on the news about the planet they found that they say is the "twin" or at least the "cousin" to earth--only 500 light years away? They're calling it Kepler after the NASA Kepler. They say the temperature is similar to that on earth, meaning not too cold or too hot with sun and moon, and that it may have water and be inhabitable (livable).
What was I thinking when I heard about this planet? There could be a story in that. Maybe like some type or portal on Earth that can carry you to Kepler. Or have a ship similar to the Star Gate Universe (but not as fast) where families are living. Their home world was destroyed and they're traveling to this new home planet, but it's going to take 500 years, so their only hope is that their descendants will see the new world. Something like that. Just a thought. Like I need more ideas!
Writing and Web Design Business
Not much writing to report as I've been so busy with new Web design customers. Finished my own new site at Kim Cox Designs (have a new logo too) and then finished American Garage LLC Web site and I'm now working on Prime Grind Inc. and may have two more clients after I finish this one. We'll see. Regardless, I have two old sites that are in need of updating, my own author site and my husband Lee's art site. So I may be caught up with Web design before the end of the year. Regardless, I need to set a day or two a week aside for my writing.Day Job
Oh wow, we've been very busy at the day job as well. Our 2014 planning is in process, plus new statements of work from our contracts, evaluations, and monitoring is taking on a life of its own but I should be finished with program monitoring by the end of the month. I only have work-site visits left. Of course some is ongoing with one or two a month.That's it for me for now. I tend to get long when I get into writing. Enjoy the nice weather and hopefully it will not get cold again until next year.