Writing the Paranormal Mystery Series

I was just thinking about this the other day and decided to write it down. Why did I want to write this series—what attracted me to writing a mystery series about a psychic female private investigator who could communicate with ghosts? What contributed to my interest? I get ideas for writing from everywhere and everyone but never actually use specifics from the instances and persons all around me. However, it sparks ideas for totally unrelated subjects. Just last week my husband and I were talking about cloning. Not sure where the conversation started, but we were wondering about how a soul comes into play in the overall scheme of this process. Does the cloned person even have a soul? Well, the what-ifs started and I have a futuristic, science fiction book on the back burner, meaning that I have an idea about one that I want to write. So, I added some thoughts about cloning to that file, and I’ve downloaded some books about cloning for research. Anyway, this is insight in...