Book Review: "Progeny of a Killer" by J. M. Shorney
About the Author

In an old country village called Chaddleworth in Berkshire, J. M. (Jean) Shorney grew up listening to her father's tales around the fireside on cold winter evenings. Her father was a born storyteller. Her mother recited poetry she'd learned, and would rattle off without a book. Jean has written many novels, poetry and some hymns set to traditional tunes.
Her favourite writers are Elliott O'Donnell, Dennis Wheatley and Jack Higgins, while her love affair with Ireland dominates most of my writing. Jean's inspiration is listening to old country music, both American and Irish, as it has been since herwriting career began.
She currently reside in Thatcham, which is near Newbury in Berkshire.

Sometimes the past throws up more than you can handle... When Aidan McRaney is sent into infiltrate the lair of a man obsessed with seeking revenge on the British for the murder of his IRA father, he is forced to confront a past he never knew existed. A fast-paced, tense thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.
My Review
Excellent Thriller
Progeny of a Killer is an enjoyable, exciting thriller that will kept you on the edge of your seat throughout. The writer's style makes for an easy to follow and fascinating read. The story is fast-paced and action-packed with multi-layered, well-constructed characters. The main character is flawed but also likable, and the villain is someone you will love to hate. The conclusion is satisfying.
Purchase Progeny of a Killer.
Next Eight books and short stories on my reading list are:
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Sharpe Shooter (Cozy Suburb Mystery Series) by Lisa B. Thomas (started)
Mercy's Prince (He Who Finds Mercy, #1) by Katy Huth Jones
Legend of the Walking Dead by Joy Nwosu Lo-Bamijoko
The Carnelian (The Gemstone Chronicles, Book 1) by William Stuart
The Budapest Experiment: An International Thriller by Maurice G. Miller
Seeker (Seeker Series, Book 1) by Amy Reece
Dangerous Liaisons by Sara Steward
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