Writing and Reading Updates
As you can tell by my other posts recently, I have been reading and researching the aspects of self-publishing and I've decided to try it, so now I'm switching my focus to my own writing so that I have something to self-publish. I have at least four books to consider: my novella that's half finished with a working title, The Wedding Crasher, The Kidnapped Bride, Honeymooning on Cape Cod, etc. (many of the titles I'm considering) - this is the third novella in the Lana Malloy, paranormal suspense series; or full novels: All This time - a romantic suspense novel that is three-quarters completed, For the Love of Money - a mystery novel about one-quarter completed, or Shattered Hearts - mainstream women's fiction novel that's about three-quarters completed and it's the first book I started writing that was meant for publication. You can read the short blurbs on these at my Web site kimcoxauthor.com.Right now, I'm leaning toward the Lana Malloy series but the only problem is that the first two novellas are already published in anthologies. I would like to pull my novellas from the anthologies and self-publish them but I have to consider the other authors involved in the anthology and I asked myself, could the anthology be sold without my novella and I believe it can. I would not want to cause the other authors problems or be selfish, but in the end, don't we all have to do what is best for our own writing careers? So while I will finish writing the novella, I will shelve the idea of pulling the published novellas from the anthology for a couple of months until I can consider my options and the other authors' circumstances. If I could pull my novella without hurting the other authors this is what I will do. I plan to also work on the All This Time romantic suspense novel at the same time. I have toyed with the idea of dividing this book into two books but as I reread parts of it yesterday, I think that may prove to be harder than I thought.
If I could pull the novellas, I would have all the control in their pricing, and I could even put them on sale or offer them for free if I self-published them. Right now, I have no control over any part of the publishing. Plus the publisher, Ellora's Cave Blush imprint is no longer publishing books in this line except from well-known authors who want to re-release their out-of-print books. Their reasoning is that most readers who come to their site are looking for erotic romance books; however, if we submit erotic romance books they would consider publishing our books again. Sorry, not my cup of tea! I get that, and for me, that's even more reason for pulling my novellas, since it is actually a paranormal suspense with romantic elements. I'm very interested in your opinions on this subject.
My writing/reading preferences: I don't like writing regular sex scenes much less erotic sex scenes. And I don't read erotic romance. I don't have anything against those who do write erotic romance but it's just not something I'm interested in writing or reading. Some of my author friends write erotic romance and they make very good money from those--more than they do for their other writing, so I understand the draw. Some of them now write exclusively erotic romance. I read mostly romantic suspense, mysteries, paranormal, time travel, historical of all eras, and science fiction.
Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my dilemma or about what you think of Ellora Cave's new policy regarding their Blush imprint.

I've already mentioned in my last blog review that I also finished reading Self-Publishing Books 101: A Step-By-Step Guide to Publishing Your book in Multiple Formats by Shelley Hitz and Heather Hart. You can read my review of this book on this blog or at Goodreads or on my profile page at Amazon.com. I also have other reviews and ratings on my Amazon profile page and at Goodreads that you can read. Something you need to know about me and reviewing books, if I don't like a book, say less than a 3 out of a 5 rating, I don't bother leaving a rating or a review. Just because a book wasn't written to my liking does not make it unlikable to another reader. Now if the book was terribly written, littered with errors, I may make a comment and leave a less than 3 rating--it depends on how bad the errors were. All books have some errors. I've found many in books that were written by best selling authors. As long as it doesn't have many errors and doesn't take away from the entertainment or distracting, it doesn't really bother me if it is a good read.
